31 march 2022
Each year, the Tarn et Garonne Archaeological and Historical Society awards a prize to a local authority and another to individuals.
M. L’abbé Georges PASSERAT, President of the Archaeological and Historical Society of Tarn-et-Garonne, presented :
the trophy for the community to the Compagnie des Ecrivains de Tarn-et-Garonne for the series of books Images et Visages du Tarn et Garonne,
the trophy reserved for private individuals to Mr. Jean-Christophe and Geneviève MIFSUD, owners of the Château de Goudourville.
This ceremony took place on Thursday 31 March 2022, at 12 noon, at the Conseil Départemental headquarters in Montauban. The reception was held at the Château de Montauriol. Catherine Bourdoncle, Vice-president of the Departmental Council and Valérie Rabault, Deputy, welcomed the Archaeological Society's board and the winners for a cocktail served in the salons.
