For the fourth edition of the Night of the Castles, hundreds of French sites are opening their doors for a unique and unforgettable night-time experience, including the local castle of Goudourville. This year, and based on this national theme, Geneviève, the owner's guide, is extending this one-night event to a full weekend with medieval activities.
The dating of the castle
The 11th century building, embellished during the Renaissance and redesigned in the 18th century, never stops revealing its secrets. This is what the owner-guide wants you to discover and share with passion. For several years now, she has been working on the exact dating of the various parts of her building. The visit to the castle will reveal the latest dating of the history of this building, in particular thanks to dendrochronology (study of the age of the wood and thus of the frameworks, article DDM of December 28, 2021) and to archaeological studies in progress.
The programme
Last year, the daily life in a chastellerie in the 14th century was presented to the public. This year, the emphasis will be on entertainment and festive moments with activities to be experienced by the public, in costume or not, as you wish !
Saturday 22 October from 2.30 p.m. to 11 p.m., Castle Night. Last admission 45 minutes before closing time. Guided tours at 3.30 pm, 5.30 pm and 9 pm.
On Sunday 23rd, continuous activities with archery, ancient games, troubadour, juggler, magician. Talks by Brigitte Coppin, author of 128 books for young people about the Middle Ages, are scheduled.
Guided tours at 3pm and 5pm.
Prices: under 4 years, free; 4 to 14 years, 6 €; over 14 years, 12 €. Costume hire: €5.
Reservations are required at www.lanuitdeschateaux.com, as the number of places is limited.
Parking is provided at the entrance to the castle's driveway.
The site is unsuitable for people with reduced mobility.
Tél. 05 63 29 09 06, mail : contact@chateau-goudourville.fr
Article from La Dépêche du Midi published on 15/10/2022 à 05:11
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